
Bravery in Battle: SP4 Donald Evans' Medal of Honor

Though weakened by blood loss and in extreme pain, he pressed on with his life-saving efforts, ultimately sacrificing his life while tending to another wounded comrade.

October 5, 2024

U.S. Army Specialist 4 Donald Evans, despite being in a position of relative safety with his platoon, which had not yet joined the battle, responded to calls for medical help from soldiers in another platoon under heavy enemy fire. He sprinted across 100 meters of open terrain, through a barrage of enemy gunfire and grenades, to provide life-saving treatment to one wounded soldier. Ignoring the dangers around him, he continued to tend to other injured men, offering them both medical care and encouragement.

When he realized one soldier's injuries required immediate attention, Sp4 Evans dragged the man back across the exposed battlefield to a safer location for evacuation. Amazingly unscathed by the intense enemy fire, he returned to the front lines to continue treating the wounded. While doing so, he was injured by shrapnel from an enemy grenade. Despite the painful injury, he evacuated another wounded comrade and then rejoined his platoon as they entered the battle, continuing to provide aid to others.

As he attempted to evacuate yet another soldier from the fire-swept field, Sp4 Evans was severely wounded. Refusing medical treatment for himself and dismissing advice to stay behind, he summoned the last of his strength to move one more injured soldier to safety. Though weakened by blood loss and in extreme pain, he pressed on with his life-saving efforts, ultimately sacrificing his life while tending to another wounded comrade.

For his extraordinary courage and selflessness in the face of overwhelming danger, Specialist 4 Donald Evans was awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military decoration. His heroic actions saved many lives and embodied the highest ideals of military service.