
Chief Richard Etchberger: Valor at Lima Site 85

Despite relentless heavy artillery fire and the loss or severe injury of his entire crew, Chief Etchberger, with minimal combat training, held off the enemy with an M-16.

October 12, 2024

Chief Master Sgt. Richard L. Etchberger demonstrated extraordinary heroism on March 11, 1968, in Laos while serving as Ground Radar Superintendent for Detachment 1, 1043rd Radar Evaluation Squadron. On that day, Chief Etchberger and his team were stationed at Lima Site 85, a top-secret defensive base, when it was overrun by enemy forces. Despite relentless heavy artillery fire and the loss or severe injury of his entire crew, Chief Etchberger, with minimal combat training, held off the enemy with an M-16. He simultaneously coordinated air strikes and called for rescue, denying the enemy access to his position.

When rescue aircraft arrived, Chief Etchberger repeatedly risked his life, braving intense enemy fire to secure three wounded comrades into rescue slings. Only after ensuring their safety did he climb into the sling himself, where he was fatally wounded by enemy fire as he was being hoisted into the helicopter.

Chief Etchberger’s unwavering courage, selflessness, and determination under fire reflect the highest ideals of military service, for which he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.