
Final Moments: The Loss of MSGT Bauchmann and SSGT McMahon in Quang Tri

The distinctive black smoke from the rounds identified it as NVA fire, and the enemy spotter was precise, as the shells landed on and around the Marines from the very first shot.

September 19, 2024

Master Sergeant (MSGT) Earl J. Bauchmann and Staff Sergeant (SSGT) Lawrence V. McMahon were communications specialists serving with Headquarters & Service Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines (2/7), 1st Marine Division. On September 19, 1966, elements of 2/7 were conducting a search-and-destroy mission near Dong Ha in Quang Tri Province, just outside their home base. The patrol halted atop a small rise in a clearing, surrounded by large bomb craters. Due to reports of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces in the area, the Marines were ordered to dig in and prepare for combat.

After about an hour of digging fighting positions, the patrol came under heavy mortar fire from approximately 500 yards ahead. The distinctive black smoke from the rounds identified it as NVA fire, and the enemy spotter was precise, as the shells landed on and around the Marines from the very first shot. Scrambling for cover, the Marines sought safety in nearby holes and craters. Bauchmann and McMahon jumped into the closest crater together.

The barrage lasted for about 30 seconds before it ceased, and the Marines began returning fire with their own 81mm mortars and rifles. Suddenly, a shout rang out: "Top is hit, Corpsman!" Marines rushed to the crater where Bauchmann and McMahon had taken cover. The crater had been hit directly, and both men were killed instantly. They suffered multiple shrapnel wounds and their bodies were severely burned.

A medivac was called, and fellow Marines carefully placed Bauchmann and McMahon’s bodies in ponchos before carrying them to the waiting helicopter, along with other dead and wounded. The helicopter soon departed, taking them from the battlefield.