
Heroism of 1st Lt. Walter J. Marm, Jr.

Faced with four enemy soldiers advancing on his platoon’s position, he quickly took action, moving under heavy fire to eliminate the threat. His swift, decisive response saved his platoon from being overrun.

October 2, 2024

1st Lt. Walter J. Marm, Jr., distinguished himself by extraordinary courage and leadership during a critical combat operation in Vietnam. As a platoon leader with the 1st Cavalry Division, he led his soldiers through withering enemy fire while advancing through a valley to relieve a surrounded friendly unit. Despite being pinned down by an enemy force of regimental size, 1st Lt. Marm demonstrated remarkable tactical acumen and bravery under pressure.

Faced with four enemy soldiers advancing on his platoon’s position, he quickly took action, moving under heavy fire to eliminate the threat. His swift, decisive response saved his platoon from being overrun. When the unit then came under intense machine gun fire from a concealed enemy position, 1st Lt. Marm selflessly exposed himself to locate the gun, drawing its fire deliberately. He attempted to neutralize the position with an antitank weapon but, undeterred by its failure to silence the gun, continued his assault.

With unwavering determination, he charged 30 meters across open ground through intense enemy fire, throwing grenades into the enemy position, killing several insurgents. Severely wounded and with his grenades expended, he pressed on with only his rifle, completing the assault and eliminating the remaining enemy fighters.

His actions not only reduced the pressure on his platoon but also broke the enemy’s attack, allowing his unit to regroup and continue their mission. For his conspicuous gallantry, selflessness, and indomitable spirit, 1st Lt. Marm was awarded the Medal of Honor. His heroism in the face of overwhelming danger exemplifies the highest ideals of military service and reflects great credit upon himself and the U.S. Army.