
Robert H. Jenkins Sacrifices to Save A Comrade

As they engaged the enemy with precise machine gun fire, a North Vietnamese soldier hurled a grenade into their emplacement.

October 21, 2024

Marine Gunner Robert H. Jenkins Jr. served with Company C, Third Reconnaissance Battalion, Third Marine Division during operations in the Republic of Vietnam. On the morning of March 5, 1969, his twelve-man reconnaissance team was positioned defensively at Fire Support Base Argonne, located south of the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone. Without warning, they came under heavy attack from a North Vietnamese Army platoon using mortars, automatic weapons, and grenades.

Reacting swiftly, Private First Class Jenkins and another Marine took positions in a two-man fighting emplacement. As they engaged the enemy with precise machine gun fire, a North Vietnamese soldier hurled a grenade into their emplacement. Fully aware of the consequences, Jenkins immediately pulled his comrade to the ground and, without hesitation, threw himself on top of him to shield him from the blast.

Jenkins absorbed the full force of the explosion, sustaining severe injuries from which he later died. His extraordinary bravery and selflessness saved his fellow Marine from serious harm or death. Jenkins' actions reflect the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the U.S. Navy. He heroically gave his life for his country.