
Sandra "Chris" Noel

Chris Noel made multiple trips to Vietnam to entertain and support the troops. She performed in live shows, visited military bases, and spent time with servicemen and women.

October 17, 2023

Chris Noel, born Sandra Louise Noel on July 2, 1941, is an American actress, singer, and radio host who is best known for her work during the Vietnam War. She became an iconic figure for American troops stationed in Vietnam during the conflict.

Here are some key points about Chris Noel's involvement in Vietnam:

  1. Entertainment Career: Chris Noel began her entertainment career as a singer and actress. She appeared in several films and television shows in the 1960s, including roles in movies like "Girl Happy" (1965) and "The Tormentors" (1971).

  2. Radio Show for Armed Forces Radio: In the mid-1960s, Noel started hosting a radio show called "A Date with Chris" on the Armed Forces Radio Network. Her show was incredibly popular among American troops stationed in Vietnam. She played music, read letters from soldiers, and provided a connection to home.

  3. Visits to Vietnam: Chris Noel made multiple trips to Vietnam to entertain and support the troops. She performed in live shows, visited military bases, and spent time with servicemen and women. Her presence provided a morale boost for many soldiers who were far from home and facing the challenges of war.

  4. Dedication to the Troops: Noel was deeply committed to supporting the troops, and she often put herself in dangerous situations to bring a sense of normalcy and comfort to those serving in Vietnam. Her dedication and genuine care for the soldiers earned her immense respect and gratitude.

  5. Advocacy for Veterans: After the Vietnam War, Chris Noel continued to be an advocate for veterans. She worked with various organizations to support and raise awareness for the needs of veterans, especially those who faced challenges related to their service.

  6. Recognition and Awards: Chris Noel received several awards for her contributions to supporting the troops, including the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal from the U.S. Department of the Army.

  7. Later Career: Beyond her work in Vietnam, Chris Noel continued her entertainment career and remained active in various philanthropic efforts. She also hosted a radio program in the United States.

Chris Noel's dedication to supporting American troops during the Vietnam War and her continued advocacy for veterans made her a beloved figure among the military community. Her contributions have been widely recognized and appreciated by those who served during the conflict and beyond.