
Say His Name to Remember:Lt Col Robert Raymond Gregory

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Raymond Gregory served with the 11th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 432nd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, 7th Air Force. A Patriot to the End!

September 20, 2024

On May 27, 1988, the Central Identification Lab-Hawaii (CILHI, now known as DPAA) identified the remains of Lieutenant Colonel Robert Raymond Gregory, who had been missing since the Vietnam War. A Missouri native, Lieutenant Colonel Gregory served with the 11th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron. On July 19, 1966, he was piloting an RF-4C Phantom (serial number 65-0829) on a reconnaissance mission over North Vietnam when the aircraft was shot down. Although he survived the crash, he was captured by the North Vietnamese and tragically died shortly thereafter in a prisoner of war camp near Hanoi. In 1988, the Vietnamese government repatriated remains that were later confirmed to be those of Lieutenant Colonel Gregory. He is memorialized on the Courts of the Missing at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific and is also honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, DC, alongside his fallen comrades. 

Silver Star citation:
Captain Robert R. Gregory distinguished himself by gallantry in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force near Hanoi, North Vietnam on 23 November 1966. On that date, Captain Gregory, despite extremely hazardous conditions, reconnoitered the Dap Cau Railroad and Highway Bridge near Hanoi. This night, low level mission imposed great demands upon the resources and capabilities of the pilot. Exposing himself for fifty-five minutes over hostile territory in a highly sophisticated and lethal anti-aircraft defense structure, Captain Gregory displayed outstanding determination in successfully obtaining the required intelligence on their assigned target. This intelligence was instrumental in restricting the flow of vital materials transported on the railroad leading northwest from Hanoi to Communist China. By his gallantry and devotion to duty, Captain Gregory has reflected great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.