
SPC4 LaPointe: Medal of Honor for Valor and Sacrifice

Upon reaching the wounded soldiers, SPC4 LaPointe immediately began administering life-saving first aid, despite being in a highly exposed position.

October 10, 2024

SPC4 LaPointe, assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2nd Squadron, demonstrated extraordinary bravery and dedication while serving as a medical aidman during a high-risk combat helicopter assault mission. His patrol, advancing from the landing zone through a narrow valley, was suddenly caught in a fierce ambush by a heavily armed and well-entrenched enemy force, positioned in fortified bunkers. As enemy automatic weapons fire rained down upon them, the unit's forward elements were pinned, and two soldiers were severely wounded in the initial barrage.

Without hesitation and fully aware of the danger, SPC4 LaPointe responded to the urgent calls for help from the wounded. Under relentless enemy fire, he displayed remarkable courage, sprinting forward across exposed terrain to reach his fallen comrades. The intensity of the enemy assault forced him to crawl directly into the line of sight of a hostile bunker, making him a vulnerable target. His unit tried to suppress the enemy’s fire with covering shots, but the firepower from the bunker remained overwhelming.

Upon reaching the wounded soldiers, SPC4 LaPointe immediately began administering life-saving first aid, despite being in a highly exposed position. Understanding the gravity of the situation, he used his own body as a shield to protect one of the wounded men from further harm. During this selfless act, he was struck by a burst of automatic fire from the enemy bunker. Severely wounded, he fought through the intense pain and continued to focus on his medical duties, applying life-saving measures to stabilize the injured.

Even after being knocked to the ground by a second round of gunfire, SPC4 LaPointe, driven by an unwavering sense of duty, made strenuous efforts to reposition himself to continue shielding the wounded soldiers. Though gravely injured, he persisted in his lifesaving tasks, refusing to abandon his comrades in their moment of need.

Tragically, an enemy grenade landed near their position and detonated, mortally wounding SPC4 LaPointe and the two soldiers he was trying to save. His actions, performed with complete disregard for his own safety, were a testament to his valor and selflessness. In sacrificing his life to protect and care for his comrades, SPC4 LaPointe’s gallant efforts became a source of inspiration for all who witnessed them. His extraordinary bravery in the face of overwhelming odds stands as a powerful example of the ultimate sacrifice made in service to others. For his heroic actions, SPC4 LaPointe was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military decoration, recognizing his unparalleled courage and devotion to his fellow soldiers.